The SAM-GOES-11 Cross Polarized Yagi Antenna is a rugged antenna designed for optimum performance for Environmental Satellite applications such as GOES and INSAT ( located any where in the geostationary arc from 45° E to 115° E longitude). The driven elements are fed by a solid 3/8 rod feed system that allows or maximum power input. The feed system is completely sealed from the elements in order to withstand unusually harsh weather situations and environments.
Polarization: LHCP and RHCP (Switchable in the field)
Gain: 11dBi
Center Frequency: 402.0 MHz to 403.0 MHz
3dB Beam Width: 40°
VSWR: 1.2 : 1
Impedance: 50 Ω
Axial Ratio: 0.8 to 1 dB
Operating Wind Speed: 150 mph
Wind Survival: 200 mph
Material: Aluminum (Rust–proof and oxidation–proof for use in coastal and saline area)
Connector Type: N type Female
Mounting: Fit with 1 or 2 (2.5 OD) with 360° Azimuth and elevation adjustment
Operating Temperature: -40 to +55° C
Operating Relative Humidity: 0-100 % RH
Weight: 5 lbs
Size: 44 inches and is crossed dipoles are ½ wave length or about 15 inches for a total enclosed volume of 6 cubic feet
Operating Rain Rate: 100 mm/Hr and water proof