The 400CP24 is a light, medium performance circularly polarized antenna. Optimum match and gain are between 395 & 405MHz for the satellite band. Computer design techniques help keep spurious side lobes low down for optimum signal to noise ratios. This antenna features the same CNC machined, O-ring and silicone-gel sealed, driven element assemblies common to all M2 Yagi antennas. This insures years of trouble free performance regardless of weather.
Model ........................................ 400CP24
Frequency Range ...................... 395To 405 MHz
*Gain .......................................... 15 dBic
Front to back .............................. 20 dB Typical
Beamwidth ................................. 35° Circular
Elipticity ...................................... <3dB
Feed type ................................... Folded Dipole
Feed Impedance. ....................... 50 Ohms Unbalanced
Maximum VSWR ......................... 1.3:1 Typical
Input Connector .......................... “N” Female
Power Handling .......................... 1.5 kW (250W PS-I)
Boom Length / Dia ...................... 9’ 11” / 1”
Maximum Element Length .......... 14.688”
Turning Radius: .......................... 60”
Stacking Distance ...................... call
Mast Size ................................... 1-1/2” to 2” Nom.
Wind area / Survival ................... 1.0 Sq. Ft. / 100MPH
Weight / Ship Wt. ....................... 7 Lbs. / 9 Lbs.