发布时间:2022-05-19    发布人:M2    浏览次数:

EB-144/RK-2M, 135-150 MHZ


The EB-144 EGGBEATER offers exciting new performance characteristics for both fixed and mobile operations.
EGGBEATER produces smooth omnidirectional HORIZONTAL polarity at the horizon.
Above the horizon, the pattern transforms to RIGHT HAND CIRCULAR, making it a natural for OSCAR satellite use. By spacing the 
EGGBEATER 1/8 wave above a metal surface or adding the RK-2M Reflector kit, now standard, for base installations, the circular lobe increases by 6 dB, producing a hemispherical pattern. No rotationor steering is required. For terrestrial mobile, base, net control, contest or field day operation, increasing the distance above ground or over a metallic surface improves the horizontal radiation by 6 dB.
This produces instantaneous communications in all directions. Hams with little room or budget for larger antennas will experience a new standard of performance with the 

  • 国家高新技术企业
  • 拥有二十余项软件著作权
  • 通过ISO9001质量管理体系和国军标质量管理体系认证
  • 拥有卫星测控综合基带及导航测控一体化微带天线两项发明专利