Modes: 70MHz/Baseband
Channels: 1 to 4
Channel Modes: IF and/or baseband
Standard IFs: 160, 140, 70 MHz
Recording BWs: 1 x 100, 50, 25 or
(AE8400MM-100)12.5 MHz
Recording BWs: 1 x 80 MHz
(AE8400-80/40/20) 1 or 2 x 40 MHz
1, 2 or 4 x 20 MHz
SFDR: >55 dB (typical)
Input Impedance: 50 Ω
Input Level: -30 to 0 dBm (IF)
-20 to +10 dBm (BB)
(menu selectable)
Output Level: 0 dBm onto 50 Ω
(for full scale input)
Group Delay: ± 3 ns across 90% of BW.
Recording Format: Alternating I/Q (IF) Real (baseband)
Replay Modes: IF IN / IF OUT
Exported digital files
Record Time: 40 mins (100 MHz BW)
47 mins (80 MHz BW)
Physical & Electrical Specifications:
Dimensions: 177 x 432 x 500 mm (h x w x d) (incl. handles).
Weight: 17 kg.
Power: 110 – 240 VAC,50 – 400 Hz. <200 Watts